
GeoBerlin 2023

Reduced fees for participation in GeoBerlin2023

You can apply for a DGGV membership to receive a reduced conference fee for GeoBerlin2023.

The membership fee is 90 € for full membership and 20 € and 30 € for Bsc and Msc students, respectively. You must also be a member of DGGV to benefit from the reduced fee for PhD/PostDoc/Young Professionals or retirees.

Become a member now
Young DGGV

Geoscientific - young - well connected

The Junge DGGV (“Young DGGV”, JDGGV) is a newly founded group of young geoscientists within the DGGV, bringing together students, young professionals, as well as doctoral students and postdocs. There is no precise age limit. Instead, all young scientists and young professionals are invited to participate. The group’s aim is to foster networking to exchange experiences and to facilitate the entry into the world of geosciences. Here, we dedicate ourselves to typical questions that young geoscientists are facing during their early careers as well as to the planning of various projects and events for professional knowledge transfer or just for fun.

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Our journals: ZDGG, IJES, SDGG, EDGG, GMit, Geohistorische Blätter

The Geowissenschaftlichen Mitteilungen (GMit) is distributed to our members. All other publications can be purchased here:

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Highlights of our activities

Experience geology

Geology at your fingertips – off- and online

Scientific Sections and Working Groups

Numerous specialized sections and working groups reflect the versatility of geology today

Job offers

Here we share job ads that reach us from external partners

Educational offers

Upcoming events

16. Sächsischer Rohstofftag
16. Sächsischer Rohstofftag
18. July 2024 | 9:00 - 15:45
ROHSTOFFWIRTSCHAFT IM SPIEGEL VON INDUSTRIEUND GEOPOLITIK UND DEREN AUSWIRKUNGEN AUF DEUTSCHLAND UND DEN STANDORT SACHSEN Der Sächsischen Rohstofftag setzt sich dieses Jahr mit dem Aufbau der Rohstoffsicherung und Wertschöpfungsketten in unserer Region aus Sicht internationaler Investoren und einheimischer Unternehmer auseinander. Wir betrachten dabei Upstream und Downstream und vergleichen mit den ...
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Namibia-Exkursion 2024 - Es sind kurzfristig zwei Plätze frei geworden
Namibia-Exkursion 2024 - Es sind kurzfristig zwei Plätze frei geworden
7. August 2024 - 21. August 2024 | Ganztägig
Es sind kurzfristig zwei Plätze frei geworden – bei Interesse, e-Mail bitte an   Liebe DGGV-Mitglieder, wir freuen uns, Ihnen auch 2024 wieder eine geologische Exkursion der DGGV nach Namibia anbieten zu können, die dieses Mal in den Norden des Landes führen wird und bei der u.a.  ausgewählte Rohstoffvorkommen ...
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Become a member now

Membership pays off!

Personal online access

Personal online access to specialist journals

Free copies

You will receive a free copy of GMit (Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen).


Benefit from numerous discounts, e.g. for conferences or publications.

Travel grants

For student members to attend conferences, field trips, and compact courses.


Latest geo news

About us

German Geological Society

The German Geological Society (DGGV) is an international non-profit organization in the geosciences with more than 3,600 members from more than 64 countries. The mission of DGGV is to promote the geosciences in research and education, in business and government, and to publish scientific findings.

The Society is represented by its president, the executive committee and an advisory board; the interests of the student members are represented by a student member of the advisory board. The DGGV honors outstanding achievements in research and in the communication of scientific findings with various awards and prizes.

Learn more

Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft – Geologische Vereinigung e. V. (DGGV)

Geschäftsstelle Berlin
Rhinstraße 84
12681 Berlin


Frau Lara Müller-Ruhe
Tel. 030-509 640 48